I Changed My Mind About Weight Loss Plan. Here’s Why: Eat More to Lose Weight Without counting Calories

Sunday, June 6, 2021

Eat More to Lose Weight Without counting Calories

No one ever suggests for you to simply eat more to lose weight fast. But just what if there was a choice for you to eat more often to actually lose more weight? Could you literally take your cake, eat it whole, and then eat even less? Would you have your cake again and eat less? In this series of articles we are going to investigate the answers to many questions like those, and yes do need to eat more calories while dieting to shed pounds quickly.

Step One - Getting your basal metabolic rate (BMR) in check is the first step. Your BMR is the number out of a normal range that you should be in when you are resting. If you are out of shape or simply not eating enough, you may have a higher BMR than you like. Your doctor can take a blood test to measure it, but I recommend using some of the online basal metabolic rate calculator tools on the internet to find out your average BMR. It will be closer to your optimal BMR than you might think.

Step Two - Eating less to increase your metabolism. There is a reason the character from Dostoyevsky's "The Departed" cut off his ear, and it is because he couldn't keep himself from eating too much. Our bodies are designed to handle a certain amount of food per meal, or calorie, depending on our physical condition and activity level. Our body's fat burning system doesn't want to run out of fuel, so eating less frequently, to increase your BMR, is the best way to do it.

Step Three - Increase your exercise intensity. For many people, resistance exercise is a great way to increase their physical activity, which improves their mood, which improves their food intake. You see, many people like to count calories, but most dieters don't want to deal with counting carbs or fat grams. A great way to change this is with resistance training, like heavy strength training like body weight training, or some high intensity endurance training.

Step Four - Find a starvation mode. This is when you eat very little, or none at all, to drop several pounds of your total body weight in a very short period of time. Many dieters mistakenly think that if they are eating very little they are losing weight, but in reality they are just in a starvation mode, where their body won't burn as many calories. When in this state, your body will turn to the stored fat for fuel.

Step Five - Make better choices with plant foods. Many diet plans out there recommend severely limiting your whole grains, your fruits and vegetables, and your animal meats and dairy products. However, scientific research shows that this is not the case. In fact, it is best to eat more whole grains, eat more natural dairy products and eat more animal meats and eggs in order to eat less to lose weight and to keep it off.

Step Six - Increase your metabolism. Have you ever noticed that you can consume more calories (food) after you eat it than before you eat it? This is called your metabolic rate. The higher your metabolic rate, the more quickly you burn off excess calories, allowing you to keep them away from being turned into fat stores.

There is so much that you can do to naturally lose weight with a healthy diet and exercise, without having to count calories or worry about limiting your carbs or fats. These tips are especially useful for those of you out there who find yourself bingeing on whatever treats you get in just a few minutes' time. Instead of binging, make a habit of consuming smaller amounts more frequently so that your body will have less to do and you will keep off the extra pounds. You can follow these simple diet strategies to naturally lose weight today!

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