The question on every individual's mind is "How many calories should I burn for weight loss?" Well the answer to this question can differ from person to person and depends on a variety of factors including your activity level, type of exercise you do and your overall health. The best way to decide how many calories you should burn for weight loss is through trial and error. Here are a few tips that can help you determine how many calories you should be burning per day.

One of the first things to consider is how active or inactive you are when it comes to exercise. If you are very active then you need to be more careful about how many calories you are burning. This is because you can easily end up over burning the calories that you burn because of excess body fat. A good rule of thumb is to judge your maximum physical exertion level and multiply by four times in order to calculate how many calories you are burning during that particular exercise session. You can also use the number of pounds you want to lose as a guide.
Your diet plays a huge role in determining how many calories you should be burning for weight loss. You will have to be very particular with how much protein, fats and carbohydrates you are taking in. Be sure to choose all the food groups properly. For example, you will need a lot of protein if you are going on a weight loss diet or exercising hard.
Another important factor that determines how many calories you should be burning for weight loss is your overall health. If you are a healthy person then you can be sure that you will be able to burn off the calories you consume without facing any problems. However, if you are not healthy and are suffering from any kind of health problem such as high blood pressure or cholesterol, then you will need to watch how many calories you eat every day. You should eat healthy and nutritious food and make sure you take all the vitamins and supplements required.
Some people believe that you cannot lose weight if you do not watch how many calories you eat every day. This is not true; in fact, you can be very thin and slim without consuming too many calories. In fact, if you are not eating enough calories, your body will not be able to perform its functions properly. You may feel lethargic, sick or confused. Weight loss may take place but it will not be a permanent solution. You should not only focus on losing weight but you should also try to ensure that your health remains good.
The amount of time you spend on exercising also determines how many calories you should burn for weight loss. Your routine should not stop even for a moment because this will lead to unhealthy consequences. Hence, you should stick to your routine of exercises at least three times in a week.
Another thing that you should consider is the time you sleep. You should ensure that you spend at least 8 hours of sleep daily. The best time to exercise is in the morning as you enter the gym. If you do not get enough rest, you may tire easily and can have less performance during your workouts.
You need to be careful when choosing your weight loss program. It is better if you consult your doctor before you start any diet plan. The doctor can suggest the best diet plan that helps you in reducing your calories and losing weight successfully.
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